Friday, January 6, 2012

Have a fun weekend.

What are your plans this weekend? Tonight Alex and I are going to our friend's belated holiday party, complete with dressy attire, Champagne and presents. Meanwhile, Toby remains addicted to his sound machine. :) Hope you stay warm and cozy, and here are a few fun links from around the web...

The invisible mother = so strange! (Thanks, Emma)

Pretty polka dots.

Yummy scrambled eggs.

I LOVE this coat, even though I'm not pregnant.

Matching pajamas is the cutest tradition.

Vintage Esquire covers.

Clever business card.

Would love to wear these red ballet flats with jeans.

Bathroom decor.

Questions for a baker.

How great is this chopped haircut?

Seven hair resolutions for 2012.

Wow, Kate can sing!